What is it then?
This is not a pipe, my main takeaway from LavaCon 2011 in Austin Texas.
This is not a pipe, and that is the main problem facing any modern global community today.
Digital Content, Creation, Translation, Manipulation, Protection & Retention, all mixed with a bit of real time Social Interjection. (say that 10 times fast) is not a pipe...
LavaCon connects with, and teaches those who can say,
"This is a (Fill In The Blank)" and heal that pain your organization is facing. #ROI
Learning and networking with the experts has never been more fun or well fed.
This is not a pipe, this is happening inside of your head right now, the ultimate destination of the information we are trying to convey.
This is not a pipe, this is an opportunity.
Pipe Imagery care of Alan J Porter check out his LavaCon Austin 2011 here http://www.slideshare.net/4JsGroup/ajp-lava-con-2011whenwords